We have the tools and the products to help you complete any cleaning project!

At Summit Ace, we have a wide selection of cleaning supplies in stock, including some of your favorite brands!

From tackling kitchen great to bathroom grime, we have cleaners for every room and purpose.

We have a wide variety of top cleaning brands in stock. Some of our top selling brands are: Clorox, Windex, Mrs. Meyer’s, Pledge, Simple Green, Lysol, and more!

Nontoxic products to refresh your home

E-Cloth’s premium, task-specific microfiber cleaning products unlock the cleaning power of WATER- the ultimate natural cleaner. Commit to high-performance cleaning with just water for your health, the well-being of your family, and the sustainability of our planet.

Summit Ace Home & Garden

1055 Tangent Street
Lebanon, Oregon 97355


Mon-Fri:  7:30am – 6:00pm
Saturday:  8:00am – 5:00pm